May 20, 2024

Recent Update in Breast Cancer Screening

Since 2004, our practice has recommended screening mammograms starting at age...

Recent Update in Breast Cancer Screening


Since 2004, our practice has recommended screening mammograms starting at age 40, in line with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Early detection is crucial, especially as breast cancers discovered before menopause tend to be more aggressive and, if caught early, are more likely to be treatable. This is particularly important for Black women, who face a higher risk of dying from breast cancer.

We are pleased to share that the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has updated its guidelines on breast cancer screening. The new guidelines align closely with our longstanding recommendations and emphasize the importance of early detection.

Why Early Screening Matters

Early detection of breast cancer can significantly improve treatment outcomes. Breast cancers found in younger, premenopausal women are often more aggressive, making early detection critical. Mammograms can identify tumors before they become palpable, increasing the chances of successful treatment.

Addressing Health Disparities

Black women face a higher mortality rate from breast cancer compared to other groups. By recommending earlier screenings, we aim to mitigate this risk and promote equitable healthcare outcomes. Ensuring that all women, regardless of race, have access to timely and effective breast cancer screening is a priority.

Personalized Screening Plans

While guidelines provide a valuable framework, the best screening plans are personalized. We recommend combining guideline based screenings with individual clinical assessments. Factors such as personal symptoms, family history, and individual risk factors should be considered to create the most effective screening strategy.

Stay Informed and Proactive

Staying informed about the latest guidelines and recommendations is crucial for maintaining breast health. We encourage you to discuss your screening plan with your healthcare provider to ensure it meets your unique needs.

For more information on the updated guidelines, you can read the full ACOG statement [here]


Stay proactive about your health and schedule your screening mammogram if you haven’t already. Early detection saves lives.

For any further questions or personalized advice, feel free to contact us during your next visit. We're here to support you every step of the way in your healthcare journey.